For six years we've shared the best writing advice we have to offer, as well as our victories and disappointments in our writing endeavors. We've sponsored contests that have both benefitted and entertained, and we've co-written a fun story with many of you as our co-conspirators. We've published a book of our favorite recipes and writerly nuggets, and we've posted a lot of great quotes about the writing life on Facebook.
Our Novel Matters blog created a community that has gone beyond anything we might have imagined 6 1/2 years ago when the idea for this blog was first proposed. It brought together six women who barely knew one another, or didn't know one another at all, whose writing style and passion was similar enough for our agents to introduce us to each other, as well as the idea for the blog. All we can say is that is was truly a God thing. For between the six of us, it has forged a deep and amazing friendship that spans the US and Canada.
After serious consideration, we've decided to put Novel Matters on hold for a while. We want to concentrate on our writing and try to figure out and navigate the tumultuous changes taking place in the publishing world. That doesn't mean we're going away. We'll still have a daily presence on Facebook, and will keep in touch with many of you in various ways.
Thank you, again and again, from the bottom of our hearts, for the contribution you have made to this blog and to our lives.
Our prayers and love go out to you.
Bonnie, Debbie, Katy, Latayne, Patti and Sharon